Integral MetaMapping

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This Page is Under Construction by Fellow Marilyn Hamilton, Founder Integral City Meshworks.

This page is part of an ongoing, open-ended online collaborative database, which collects relevant approaches that can be used by city-makers to tackle unsustainability and injustice in cities. It is based mainly on knowledge generated in EU-funded projects and touches on fast changing fields. As such, this page makes no claims of authoritative completeness and welcomes your suggestions.

General introduction to approach

Today’s city and the cities of the Future are living systems with bio-psycho-social-cultural capacities, that emerge from the interaction of universal evolutionary processes. A four quadrant, eight level meta-map creates a common language to describe and understand the dynamic patterns and feedback loops amongst these forces.

The meta-map can be used by regional planners, land-base and social planners and other professional city management communities of practice. It can also inform Citizens, Business Innovators and the 3rd Sector as they engage around solutions for Sustainability and Justice.

The meta-map discussed here is an integrated map of evolutionary values that encompasses subjective/objective and intersubjective/interobjective values is a useful and powerful tool for researching, planning, tracking and managing change in an organization, community, city or society. A meta-map based on Ken Wilber’s (1995, 1996) all quadrants, all levels, all lines, all types (AQAL) model of reality (see Table I) provides a starting frame for these requirements. Wilber (2003, Part 1, p.13) identified the values related to each quadrant as the values relating to I, We, It and Its, which he notes are reflected by the pronouns that universally arise in all languages to describe the lens of every voice in a social/cultural collective.

Shapes, sizes and applications

Table I: The Integral Model of Values/ Realities

Internal External
Individual Psycho Bio-Physical
Collective Cultural Social Systems

The four quadrant map also includes an all levels dimension of development, that spirals outward in each quadrant from the centre of the map. Those are the dimensions that effectively map change in each quadrant. Tracking indicators on the developmental dimension allows us to see change “from what to what?” (Beck, 2003). The outward flowing spirals represent the eight stages (levels or waves) of developmental change that emerged in Graves’ and Beck’s research and that Wilber, Wade and others have traced through research of the literature. Therefore, in effect, the Integral Model encompasses the Spiral Dynamics Change Model.

(TBDesigned for the Wiki) Table II: Emergent V-Memes and Community Values [image]

Both the Integral Model and Spiral Model appear to be useful frameworks through which to view changing values using both the lenses of complexity and relevant scales. They provide a framework for examining the micro, meso and macro levels of life conditions, values and assets that emerge large scale change. Beck states (2000): “The focus … should be on the process dynamic itself, not on any specific system, level, stage or whorl that has been activated in forming the complex, adaptive intelligences. Each of the emerging value system waves not only addresses the unique problems in the milieu that gave it birth, but also adds texture and quality to the more complex v-meme codes in the future .”

Relation to UrbanA themes: Cities, sustainability, and justice

To understand the value of a meta-map it is useful to have a definition of the city. Using systems thinking, an Integral City (based on the meta-map) is seen as an aggregate of people who act as a complex, adaptive, emergent living system that has these qualities:

  • develops structures, processes and patterns that ensure short term survival, connection with its environment and long term continuity
  • creates 19 infrastructural sub-systems (reflective of all living systems) that control matter, energy and information
  • is a meso-scale system (on a planetary basis): located between the micro scale of individual/group and the macro scale of country/globe
  • exists as a set of internal and external contexts and/or environments that are nested: holons exist within it (eg. neighbourhoods) and it, in turn, is a holon nested in other wholes (eg. region)
  • is quasi-fractal : reflecting patterns at the micro level and seeding patterns at the macro level
  • responds dynamically: is ever-changing as it responds to life conditions
  • develops unpredictably: the self-organizing nature of the micro systems (individuals and groups) embedded in it, and the feedback loops amongst them, set-up periodic discontinuities and unpredictable shifts
  • is interconnected: at the micro, meso-peer and macro levels
  • uses simple rules: citizens support conformity, generate diversity, judge life conditions and shift (concentrate and/or diffuse) resources (eg. energy and waste)
  • is potentially affected by weak signals: butterfly effects (or weak signals) can affect the stable functioning of the city (eg. SARS, blackouts, forest fires)
  • is field sensitive: the city is an energetic collision of multiple sources of energy from: cosmos, geology, biology, subjective, intersubjective, objective and interobjective fields.

We can further refine this definition when considering a Healthy City: WHO’s European website 2020, describes a healthy city in these words: “A healthy city is one that continually creates and improves its physical and social environments and expands the community resources that enable people to mutually support each other in performing all the functions of life and developing to their maximum potential. (WHO, 2020).”

Hamilton (1999, 2008, 2017, 2019, 2019) sees the city as a system that survives, connects with its environment and re-generates. It has distinct values reflected in its first, second and third person identities, relationships and communication processes.

Narrative of change

Change for cities of today (for example related to sustainability and justice) can be framed when we consider a City of the Future.

A City of the Future will emerge from Today’s City - including bothits sustainability and justice dimensions - that manifest as the volatile, uncertain, complex, amiguous (VUCA) life conditions that include (but aren’t limited to):

  • accelerated rates of knowledge generation
  • population explosion
  • migration
  • demographic shifts
  • globalization
  • accelerating rates of change related to scientific, technological, communications and transportation
  • increasing concentrated use of energy
  • increasing diffusion of wastes and toxins
  • declining access to the supporting resources of life (eg. water, food, energy, raw materials for production)

The City of the Future may respond ineffectively in its approaches to sustainability and justice under these conditions and thus magnify the dysfunctions of Today’s City. Alternatively, the City of the Future may discover a healthier life by responding to change with awareness of its change state and using the meta-maps to develop "Vital Signs Monitors" that track:

  • effective processes that allow it to implement and operate systems that responsibly “metabolize” energy as an Ecocity (eg. water, air, waste, information management)
  • resilient structures of a living system that are attuned to its habitat and responsive to local and global economies (eg. technology, transportation, utilitities)
  • continuous learning from experience that enables justice to emerge because of collaborative relationships internally and externally.

The City of the Future, therefore, requires different values than cities of the past (Smyre, 2002) including:

a. Balancing action, thinking, productivity and relationship values

b. Being open to new ideas

c. Integrating multiple ideas with non-linear thinking

d. Embracing connected individuality

e. Engendering collective cooperation and collaboration

f. Emphasizing dynamic sustainability

How Will We Manage the City of the Future?

In order to manage the City of the Future we will need a meta-map which conveys the relationships amongst the complex, adaptive, interconnected, dynamic qualities of the 4Q8L capacities. Such a meta-map will allow us to:

1. dynamically monitor on one 4Q8L map vital signs (eg. as graphically visual overlays of multiple sources of data)

2. conceptually integrate multiple sources of data into one meta-framework that shows the commonalities and/or disconnections in the data

3. use a common language –4Q8L language to express and translate between methodologies, lenses, frameworks and indicators for multiple users (Hamilton, 2003b)

4. translate between multiple interests of many community stakeholders who would benefit from an integrated framework

5. apply mapping to: strategic planning; analyzing group differences; community tauma and conflict management; developing communities of professional city management practice; threats; weaknesses; opprotunities

6. conduct comparative research, using the 4Q8L meta-framework to study different sub-groups and/or conditions within the community; and different communities within a region

7. view the meso level of values as a context for comprehending the interrelationship of micro ecologies (individual/group) and macro ecologies (bio-region, country, world)

8. explore the richness of community in the context of villagizing the globe (Wight, 2003)

Transformative potential

Today’s technology can provide the capability to nest, mesh and/or hyperlink multiple databases to allow a “weather mapping” approach to mining and summarizing data for to produce meta-maps. This will make it possible to map the dynamic complexity of the land/bio/mind-scapes that are converging in the spheres of influence that impact sustainaibility and justice in the cities of Europe (and the globe).

Moreover, the meso-scale role that cities play in such dynamic mapping processes, will leverage the value of using the meta-map 4Q8L common language to describe the change factors and change states in our modern world, on the micro (individual) and macro (global) levels.

Finally the use of the meta-map 4Q8L approach embraces multiple existing data gathering methods and sources. A 4Q8L meta-map makes it possible to integrate all the indicators of change at different levels of scale as well as to describe complex interconnectedness within and between cities.

Such a meta-map can create opportunities for new participatory planning processes and a framework for monitoring the Vital Signs of the quality of life expressed in both sustainability and justice realities.


Thought leaders propose that the fastest way to develop an integral practice of city management is for the professional managers (city staff) to engage in regular, intentional individual and organizational double loop learning that overcomes embedded planning norms and values.

Such learning would include examining the tensions and intentions between:

1. participation of practitioners and public vs reification of planning

2. local focus vs global focus

3. identification of issues and process vs negotiability of issues and process

4. designed approaches vs emergent approaches

Wight (2000) proposes that Regional and Local approaches be integrated so that they inform one another, rather than be at cross-purposes. He suggests that the 4Q8L model provides the framework for doing so. Wight identifies the four traditions as relating to the integral model as set out in Table 4.

Table 4: The Integral Model for Regional and Local Change

Internal External
Individual Aesthetic Appreciation Analysis
Collective Ideals/Cultural Visions Institutions/Organizations

Wight describes the Planning approaches that have emerged at different stages of city complexity in Table 5. (Table to Come)

Each approach will have appropriate applications in considering sustainability and justice. The challenge for city management will be selecting appropriate planning frameworks, tools and interventions that apply to the relevant scales and boundaries. Table 1.5 speculates about the appropriate span of application in the related to planning and the levels of complexity.

Suggested reading

  • Beck, D., Cowan, C. (1999), Spiral Dynamics, Blackwell Publishers, Malden, MA.
  • Combs, A. (2002),The Radiance of Being: Understanding the Grand Integral Vision; Living the Integral Life, Paragon House, St. Paul, Minnesota
  • Cooke et al (2002), European Spiral Leadership Summit: Analysis of country comparisons: Hard copy and online survey data graphed by AL,
  • Graves, C. (1971), “A systems conception of personality: Levels of existence theory”. Introductory remarks presented at the meeting of the Washington School of Psychiatry, Washington, DC.
  • Graves, C., (1974), “Human Nature Prepares for a Momentous Leap”, The Futurist, April
  • Graves, C. (1981), “Summary statement. The emergent, cyclical, double helix model of the adult human biopsychosocial systems”. Retrieved July 3, 2002‚ from
  • Hamilton, M. (1999), “Berkana Community of Conversations: A Study of Leadership Skill Development and Leadership Organization Practices in a Self-Organizing Online Microworld”, doctoral thesis,,
  • Hamilton, M., Stevenson, B. (2000), Journeys to Wellness, Global Learning Connections, Abbotsford, BC
  • Hamilton, M. (2006), “Integral Meta-map Creates Common Language for Urban Change". Journal of Organizational Change, 19(3), 276-306.
  • Hamilton, M. (2004), “Why Metamap the City of the Future?”, unpublished manuscript
  • Hamilton, M. (2017). Integral City Inquiry & Action: Designing Impact for the Human Hive. Tucson, AZ: Integral Publishers.
  • Hamilton, M. (2018) Integral City 3.7: Reframiing Complex Challenges for Gaia’s Human Hives. Minneapolis, MN: Amaranth Press.
  • Hamilton, M. (2019). Edition 2. Integral City: Evolutionary Intelligences for the Human Hive. Minneapolis, MN: Amaranth Press.
  • Hargens, S. (2004), “Integral Ecology: The What, Who, and How of Environmental Phenomena, Version 4 3/14/04, unpublished manuscript, Integral Ecology, Integral Institute, Denver, Colorado
  • Jacksonville, Life in Jacksonville: Quality Indicators for Progress, 1993
  • Quality of Life Research National Workshop, Halifax, NS, December 9-10, 2002, Atlantic Health Promotion Research Centre, Dalhousie University
  • QOL National Work Group, Meeting Notes, May 11, 2003, Saskatoon, SA
  • Roemischer, Jessica, The Never-Ending Upward Quest: The Practical & Spiritual Wisdom of Spiral Dynamics, What is Enlightenment, Fall/Winter 2002
  • Ruder, K., Sando, D., Spiral Flower System Map of Community, Center for Ethical Leadership, 2002,
  • Sandercock, L., When Strangers Become Neighbours: Managing Cities of Difference, Planning Theory & Practice, Vol. 1, No. 1, 13-30, 2000
  • Smyre, R., Communities of the Future,, 2002
  • Stevenson, B., Hamilton, M., How Does Complexity Inform Community; How Does Community Inform Complexity?, Emergence, 2001, v.3.1
  • Time Magazine, A Nation Blessed, A Nation Stressed, November 20, 1995
  • Tonkin, Global Values Monitor, Online, ,1999 – 2003
  • Waddock, S., Linking community and spirit: a commentary and some propositions,Bradford
  • Wilber, K. (2004) ,“Forward,” in Integral Medicine: A Noetic Reader, ed M. Schlitz & T. Hyman. Shambhala, Boston
  • Wilber, K. (2003a), “Excerpt B”,
  • Wilber, K. (2003b), “Excerpt G”,
  • Wilber, K. (2001), ,Marriage of Sense & Soul, Random House, New York
  • Wilber, K. (2000a) , A Theory of Everything, Shambhala, Boston
  • Wilber, K. (2000b), Integral Psychology, Shambhala, Boston
  • Wilber, K. (2002), Boomeritis, Shambhala, Boston
  • Wilber, K. (1995), Sex Ecology and Spirituality, Shambhala, Boston
  • Wilber, K. (1996), A Brief History of Everything, Shambhala, Boston
  • Wight, I. (2002), “Place, Place Making and Planning”, ACSP, Baltimore
  • World Health Organization, What is a Healthy City?,, accessed January 24, 2020


  • Beck, D. (2003), private discussion February
  • Beck, D.(2002), “The Color of Constellations: A Spiral Dynamics Perspective on Human Drama”, Spiral Dynamics Conference, Boulder, CO, October
  • Beck, D. (2000) State of the World Forum, “Shaping Globalization: Convening the Community of Stakeholders”, p. 6
  • Beck, D., Cowan, C. (1999), Spiral Dynamics, Blackwell Publishers, Malden, MA.
  • Combs, A. (2002),The Radiance of Being: Understanding the Grand Integral Vision; Living the Integral Life, Paragon House, St. Paul, Minnesota
  • Cooke et al (2002), European Spiral Leadership Summit: Analysis of country comparisons: Hard copy and online survey data graphed by AL,
  • Cooke, C. (2001), “The Hemsmesh Project”, unpublished report
  • Global Values Network (2002), Global Values Monitor, Unpublished Document, Spiral Dynamics Training, Vancouver
  • Graves, C. (1971), “A systems conception of personality: Levels of existence theory”. Introductory remarks presented at the meeting of the Washington School of Psychiatry, Washington, DC.
  • Graves, C., (1974), “Human Nature Prepares for a Momentous Leap”, The Futurist, April
  • Graves, C. (1981), “Summary statement. The emergent, cyclical, double helix model of the adult human biopsychosocial systems”. Retrieved July 3, 2002‚ from
  • Hamilton, M. (1999), “Berkana Community of Conversations: A Study of Leadership Skill Development and Leadership Organization Practices in a Self-Organizing Online Microworld”, doctoral thesis,,
  • Hamilton, M., Stevenson, B. (2000), Journeys to Wellness, Global Learning Connections, Abbotsford, BC
  • Hamilton, M. (2006), “Integral Meta-map Creates Common Language for Urban Change". Journal of Organizational Change, 19(3), 276-306.
  • Hamilton, M. (2004), “Why Metamap the City of the Future?”, unpublished manuscript
  • Hamilton, M. (2008). Integral City: Evolutionary Intelligences for the Human Hive. Gabriola Island, BC: New Society Publishers
  • Hamilton, M. (2017). Integral City Inquiry & Action: Designing Impact for the Human Hive. Tucson, AZ: Integral Publishers.
  • Hamilton, M. (2018) Integral City 3.7: Reframiing Complex Challenges for Gaia’s Human Hives. Minneapolis, MN: Amaranth Press.
  • Hamilton, M. (2019). Edition 2. Integral City: Evolutionary Intelligences for the Human Hive. Minneapolis, MN: Amaranth Press.
  • Hargens, S. (2004), “Integral Ecology: The What, Who, and How of Environmental Phenomena, Version 4 3/14/04, unpublished manuscript, Integral Ecology, Integral Institute, Denver, Colorado
  • Hamilton, M. (2003b), “Integral Community: Lenses, Values and Indicators for Maple Leaf Meme Maps”, unpublished manuscript
  • Hamilton, M. (2004), “Why Metamap the City of the Future?”, unpublished manuscript
  • Hargens, S. (2004), “Integral Ecology: The What, Who, and How of Environmental Phenomena, Version 4 3/14/04, unpublished manuscript, Integral Ecology, Integral Institute, Denver, Colorado
  • Jacksonville, Life in Jacksonville: Quality Indicators for Progress, 1993
  • Quality of Life Research National Workshop, Halifax, NS, December 9-10, 2002, Atlantic Health Promotion Research Centre, Dalhousie University
  • QOL National Work Group, Meeting Notes, May 11, 2003, Saskatoon, SA
  • Roemischer, Jessica, The Never-Ending Upward Quest: The Practical & Spiritual Wisdom of Spiral Dynamics, What is Enlightenment, Fall/Winter 2002
  • Ruder, K., Sando, D., Spiral Flower System Map of Community, Center for Ethical Leadership, 2002,
  • Sandercock, L., When Strangers Become Neighbours: Managing Cities of Difference, Planning Theory & Practice, Vol. 1, No. 1, 13-30, 2000
  • Smyre, R., Communities of the Future,, 2002
  • Stevenson, B., Hamilton, M., How Does Complexity Inform Community; How Does Community Inform Complexity?, Emergence, 2001, v.3.1
  • Time Magazine, A Nation Blessed, A Nation Stressed, November 20, 1995
  • Tonkin, Global Values Monitor, Online, ,1999 – 2003
  • Waddock, S., Linking community and spirit: a commentary and some propositions,


  • Wilber, K. (2004) ,“Forward,” in Integral Medicine: A Noetic Reader, ed M. Schlitz & T. Hyman. Shambhala, Boston
  • Wilber, K. (2003a), “Excerpt B”,
  • Wilber, K. (2003b), “Excerpt G”,
  • Wilber, K. (2001), ,Marriage of Sense & Soul, Random House, New York
  • Wilber, K. (2000a) , A Theory of Everything, Shambhala, Boston
  • Wilber, K. (2000b), Integral Psychology, Shambhala, Boston
  • Wilber, K. (2002), Boomeritis, Shambhala, Boston
  • Wilber, K. (1995), Sex Ecology and Spirituality, Shambhala, Boston
  • Wilber, K. (1996), A Brief History of Everything, Shambhala, Boston
  • Wight, I. (2002), “Place, Place Making and Planning”, ACSP, Baltimore
  • Wight, I., personal conversation, 2003
  • World Health Organization, What is a Healthy City?,, accessed January 24, 2020