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Under development by [[User:Burcu Eke-Schneider|Burcu Eke-Schneider]]
Democratic innovation through recognition focuses on inclusivity in decision-making and policymaking processes.  Diverse participants are convened in different and original ways in order to include multiple perspectives in urban sustainability efforts. 

The world requires transformation towards a culture of peace, which consist of values, attitudes and behaviours that reflect and inspire social interaction and sharing based on the principles of freedom , justice and democracy, all human rights , tolerance and solidarity , that reject violence and endeavour to prevent conflicts by tackling their root causes to solve problems through dialogue and negotiation and that guarantee the full exercise of all rights and the means to participate fully in the development process of their society.' https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5d94ec670c5b607d9c896795/t/5ef0c35f16217c2827e84d65/1592836959623/For+Peace_UN+Resolution_Establishment+of+Ministries+and+Departments+for+Peace.pdf For such a constructive change the world needs to work together and should start a “peace process” which invites all parties for an international cooperation.Without such a process it may be difficult to strengthen individual and societal freedoms for flourishing, to curb climate change and biodiversity loss, reduce inequalities in income and wealth, end armed conflicts and avoid out-bursts of violence, strengthen the rule of law and accountable and effective public institutions, and shape digitalisation.In this regard, peace science can contribute the world’s transformation process by proving that micro-level peacebuilding methods adequately can tackle injustice and help transformers to find solutions by sharing their knowledge with each other during the dialogue process in an urban just and sustainable transition process.
This page is part of an ongoing, open-ended online collaborative database, which collects relevant approaches that can be used by city-makers to tackle unsustainability and injustice in cities. It is based mainly on knowledge generated in EU-funded projects and touches on fast changing fields. As such, this page makes no claims of authoritative completeness and welcomes your suggestions.

Creating Peace Gardens in the Urban Realm: Urban Gardening Peace Project Wuppertal
==General introduction of approach==
Democratic innovation through recognition builds inclusivity in decision- and policy-making in the promotion of equality and justice in urban sustainability.  It does so mainly in two ways: procedurally and methodologically with implications for equality.  By directly engaging citizens in city budgeting processes (“participatory budgeting”) and in generating scientific knowledge (“civic science”), for example, diverse perspectives and experiences are drawn in from the start.  An important aspect of democratic innovation, therefore, is recognition. In this context, roles traditionally assigned to experts and/or technocrats are transferred to citizens and diverse community members.  Participatory and action research methodologies are often embedded in the approaches to democratic innovation that also invite citizens themselves to design and conduct meaningful research with the aim of improving the lives of subordinated or historically excluded groups (e.g., [https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/320136/reporting/ SocIEtY], [http://www.citispyce.eu/ CITISPYCE]), as well as confronting and transforming existing power dynamics (e.g., [https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/96441/reporting/en/ TRANSLATE DEMOCRACY]).  For example, the approaches taken in [http://www.citispyce.eu/ CITISPYCE] projects draw important attention to garnering and integrating youth perspectives more in related political processes through forums of engagement that feed into the policymaking process.  In this context, new perspectives emerge by tackling different issues ranging from restorative justice (see [http://www.alternativeproject.eu/ ALTERNATIVE]) to air quality (see [http://www.citi-sense.eu/ CITISENSE]).

The Urban Gardening Peace Project is located on the grounds of the Alevi community of Wuppertal (AKM) and works closely with several actors in the hearth of the city.As an Avantgardenist thinkers and volunteer transformers we want to be part of collective search for paradigms and pathways towards a world that is sustainable, equitable and just. The community garden invites different cultures and actors to establish a peaceful relationship with each other and at the same time to resume the dialogue with nature. The vision of this scientific project is to create in the sacred place a nature-based conflict transformation model while facilitating intercultural knowledge exchange processes.This space aims to create dialogue in the nature to find sustainable solutions and opens spaces for people to share their needs and hopes. Thus, this creative "Peacebuilding" project has a cultural and social dimension as well as a scientific approach to reduce the power of the drivers of injustice in the context of sustainable urban development.Peacebuilding with its new definition has been implemented in an urban transformation project for taking alternative actions on social inequality and ecological unsustainability in order to create more just and sustainable spaces.As a study it has been realized in Wuppertal in order to generate an in-depth, multi-faceted understanding of a complex issue in a real-life laboratory context. It was not only set up to analyse root-cause problems but also sought to propose culturally sensitive solutions.
==Shapes, sizes and applications==
Democrative innovative approaches establish diverse participatory forums predominantly applied at a small scale in multiple settings.  While some approaches (see [https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/96441/reporting/en/ TRANSLATE DEMOCRACY] and [http://www.alternativeproject.eu/ ALTERNATIVE] projects) are geared toward managing conflict and tensions inherent in democratic contexts, others emphasize procedural inclusivity with practical implications for establishing goals or agenda setting (e.g, [https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/99659/reporting/en/ URBANSELF]), generating knowledge (e.g., [http://www.citi-sense.eu/ CITISENSE]), and producing various outcomes such as [http://www.transitsocialinnovation.eu/content/original/Book%20covers/Local%20PDFs/185%20Participatory%20budgeting%20in%20the%20Indische%20Buurt%202015.pdf/ budgetary plans for a local municipality].  The strength of these approaches, based on the examined projects, is found in the inclusive practical applications whereby disadvantaged, subordinated, or excluded people have the opportunity to participate in meaningful forums. While some of the forums produce concrete outputs, others are more about establishing cooperative civic relationships and networksIn many cases, however, it is not clear how the various approaches and their contributions endure once the project comes to an end.  In some cases, experienced facilitators or conciliators are needed for transferability, particularly in the approaches that are directly focused on transforming conflict and power dynamics.

A micro-level Peacebuilding Method: by Burcu Eke Schneider https://wiki.urban-arena.eu/User:Burcu_Eke-Schneider
==Relation to UrbanA themes: Urban, sustainability, and justice==
Small community contexts or large convenings of a particular group (e.g., youth) generally provide the platforms for exploring and testing democratic innovation. Hence, in urban contexts, the approaches may be considered a good fit for neighborhood-size processes/projects  or for larger city-wide efforts depending on the approach. These approaches to democratic innovation address justice in different ways, but particularly touch upon procedural justice with potential implications for distributive justice (i.e., who gets what and why).  Democratic innovation promotes recognition by working with subordinated groups or challenging power dynamics through recognition in a way that either directly impacts sustainability, as in the case of Citizen Observations (COs) - also known as civic science - or creates potential for more democratic sustainability measures by generating experiences that build on civic capacities and expectations.

It is an important intervention for preventing violence, it works with inclusiveness to help enable emergence of a common understanding in three main ways:
==Narrative of change==
It is well known that policymaking tends to be driven by powerful special interests.  Democratic innovation creates openings in the dynamics of policy-making that is often driven by special interests and lobbies and, as a result, tends to exclude certain social groups. Through a bundle of approaches that fall under the democratic innovation umbrella, formerly excluded perspectives and contributions can emerge and directly impact decision- and policy-making.  The expectation, and proven potential of these approaches, is that through shifting the power dynamics that sustain exclusionary mechanisms within democratic polities, more socially just outcomes may be achieved. This will also have implication for advancing urban sustainability goal.

First, it can support inclusive processes of just urban transition that respect diversity of cultural backgrounds and ethnicity.
==Transformative potential==
The different approaches covered here each have an inherent aspect that builds the potential for change.  They do this in several ways: 1) making inclusivity central to governance approaches 2) opening procedural opportunities in participatory processes and 3) engagement in a common endeavor that is about life satisfaction and quality, and 4) dealing with conflict/tensions or power dynamics.  In particular, the [https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/96441/reporting/en/ TRANSLATE DEMOCRACY] project directly addresses power dynamics in which "misunderstandings and linguistic difference can become a starting point for a politics of translation that fosters a more inclusive and effective decision making, and strengthens social movements and local urban democracy in multilingual societies."<ref>TRANSLATE DEMOCRACY https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/96441/reporting/en/</ref>  By opening up these opportunities and (political) spaces, transformation can occur as power dynamics and institutions are brought into question. As a result, not only the process but the very content of policy can be contested and rearticulated.

Second, it can promote more environmentally friendly behaviour and attitudes among participants.
==Illustrations of approaches==

Third, it can convey new meanings of “collective struggle for a common future” in different languages, cultures and sacred places.
Democratic innovation approaches share a common methodology characterised by recognition in which particular segments of society take on new roles and are engaged in decision- or policy-making processes or forums that are traditionally predominated by others, such as experts (or adults). It is this aspect that makes them particularly innovative. Below are some examples of implemented approaches based on three different projects.  

[http://www.citi-sense.eu/ CITISENSE] developed “citizens’ observatories” to engage citizens in environmental monitoring and information gathering through Earth Observation applications. Citizens engaged in science for the purposes of addressing sustainability issues is an innovative approach that circumvents that idea that science is strictly the realm of experts. It recognizes that laypersons can also contribute in the process of garnering important knowledge as part of the process of making decisions and policies. Citizens’ observatories” (COs) were employed in the project [http://www.citi-sense.eu/ CITISENSE] to empower citizens to contribute to and participate in environmental governance, to enable them to support and influence community and societal priorities and associated decision making. In this process, a community-based environmental monitoring and information system using innovative and novel Earth Observation applications was developed, tested and demonstrated. In [http://www.citi-sense.eu/ CITISENSE], citizens gathered air quality data through sensors that provided real-time information on air quality in Barcelona, Belgrade, Edinburgh, Haifa, Ljubljana, Oslo, Ostrava, Vienna. The data was subsequently made available through widgets and mobile phone applications allowing people to comment and further share information. While there were some challenges in the project associated with, for example, data privacy, ethical and security issues, and scientific standards such as quality and reliability, the CO approach could increase awareness about environmental risks at minimal cost. Key aspects were identified as follows: “Based upon the review of different ongoing COs and of CO-related programmes in the environmental domain, we have identified key elements and qualities which are essential for a CO programme: (i) Be a unique virtual place to gather and share data from a variety of sources: novel sensor-technologies, open environmental data from public and national sources, and personal per- ceptions and textual/graphical contribution; and (ii) Extract and make use of relevant citizens-related data and provide multimodal services for citizens, communities and authorities.”<ref> Liu et al.: A conceptual approach to a citizens’ observatory – supporting community-based environmental governance. Environmental Health 2014 13:107, pp. 10.</ref> Also check [[Crowdsourcing]].

Additionally, sharing resources and knowledge with the communities and inviting them into process to find solutions for their own communities by themselves about sustainable consumption behaviour and attitudes for human-wellbeing or finding local just solutions to address the growing issue of food waste, food affordability and its impact on the climate. Learning from one another and coming into contact with one another are clearly in the foreground, whereby the peace garden should not only be a utensil for social purposes, but also a place for communicating sustainable consumer behaviour.
Recognizing the important role of young disadvantaged people in policymaking brings in new perspectives that promote equality and quality of life from the perspective of a formally excluded segment of society. The project SocIEtY developed innovative ways for specifically enhancing the participation of disadvantaged youth in policymaking. This project established a forum for allowing young people to articulate their concerns and needs regarding quality of life issues that could be shared with stakeholders, politicians and non-governmental entities. The project specifically, “explores how young people aged 15-24 live in different European countries today; and examines what can be done to create social and institutional opportunities which will better enable them to live the lives they have reason to value”. Also check [[Culture for empowerment]].

✌️🌱☮️We are a group of peace thinkers..
[http://www.citispyce.eu/ CITISPYCE], in a similar effort, also engaged disadvantaged and marginalized youth from major European cities in forums supported by socially innovative resources and technologies to assist policymakers across local, national and EU scales to address inequality.

<references />

We cordially invite everyone to participate in our peace project, regardless of age, gender, political views or origin. Previous knowledge of gardening or peace work is not required.
[[Category: Approaches]]
[[Category: Democratic innovation through recognition]]
  Strengthening of women
[[Category: Governance and participation processes]]
[[Category: Multi-stakeholder partnership - policy]]
We would like to encourage women in particular to participate in the project and further strengthen their social significance. It is important to us to include their creativity and their great collective knowledge about plants and seeds, medicinal properties etc.
[[Category: Co-learning and knowledge brokerage]]
[[Category: CITISENSE]]
[[Category: SocIEtY]]
We are determined to create and maintain peace. The framework we have created should be understood as a protected space. We do not tolerate defamation or violence towards other people, neither in language nor in behaviour.
  Climate Justice
In our peace project we feel obliged to contribute to more climate justice in an urban environment. We would like to contribute to the reflection on a more sustainable and just life and to a more conscious behaviour.
The Peace Garden is intended to contribute to the greatest possible biodiversity in urban areas. Nature is a network of the most diverse forms of life, everything is connected with everything else. With the Peace Garden, we respect the dependence of humans on nature as part of nature.One of the study's result is: “an alternative educational model emerged: ‘Out of School Space’ for intercultural and interreligious dialogue in the nature.
Feedback from a teacher after their school visit:
“It is a nice idea to come again with our class or with a part of the class to your garden(s) in spring, when the weather is suitable, to build something and / or to plant something.  We could also very well imagine coming on other dates with other classes. We would also be very happy to plan such a visit together beforehand in terms of methods and activities.  Peace Garden's works and ideas are very impressive and have also given me personally new impulses, for example on the transformation of spaces and old objects. The idea of intercultural and interreligious cooperation in such very concrete joint projects like the “Peace Garden” is very nice anyway.” Gesamtschule Barmen Teacher
The group members – mainly women – began to be part of change for a constructive future and the community they live in. New spaces can encourage the young generation, especially women, to be part of a positive change.
One of the young women members of this peace project says:
"I think the loss of identity and being out of touch with nature is an increasing issue, especially for people around my age and the following generations. I feel like people lose their awareness for how this world was developed and what we as humans need to do, to keep this planet safe for any living creature. Being caught up in the busy city life makes you forget what the essentials for a functioning and healthy world are. Being out of touch with nature makes you disconnected to the most natural thing you can actually experience".
Mehtap Çıplak’s quote, one of the culture and religious centre’s director where Peace Garden created, may serve as another constructive example:
“We (Alevi women) have to explain and open ourselves to the society and take more responsibilities where we live. We have a collective centre of faith and culture, yes that is true, but there are conflicts between nature and us. We need to share and teach our nature-based literature and culture, as well as our nature-based art background with the next generation. We have noticed that many other actors and artists in our city have begun to inspire themselves on the work of the Peace Garden, we are happy to be a pioneer community while hosting them in our culture center and peace garden”.
Publication links:
  Map Overview:https://anstiftung.de/urbane-gaerten/gaerten-im-ueberblick?view=map
  Deutsche Welle Article: https://www.dw.com/de/wuppertal-permakultur-einwanderung-perspektive-gesellschaft-schrebergarten-klimawandel-natur-polen/a-53898345
  An Avantgardenist Approach: https://medium.com/urban-arenas-for-sustainable-and-just-cities/an-avantgardenist-approach-creating-peace-gardens-in-the-urban-realm-17f8aaddaa9f
  Art and Peace-building : https://under-construction-wuppertal.de/media?fbclid=IwAR0nxzedr8MXJrOokd8SWWTcd8TQyB21rMSMvIXT9_YdKANg_QX8_CKlfig#type,archiv-der-traeume,1 (Here you can find how we contributed to the art scene for Pina Bausch centre’s under construction work with our creativity.. Pls follow the link on: “Büro für künstlerische Praxis” - Archiv der Träume Mansa Sabaghian (0:10:12) und Burcu Eke-Schneider (0:54:15)..)
  Essay by Burcu Eke-Schneider 'Der Sand' Vielleicht - page 11 https://die-wueste-lebt.org/der-sand/
  WZ Article : All people are equal in our peace garden https://www.wz.de/nrw/wuppertal/im-wuppertaler-friedensgarten-sind-alle-menschen-gleich_aid-62830993
Upcoming Presentations:
*2021 Swiss Sociological Association Congress Social Justice in Times of Uncertainty : "A Micro-level Peacebuilding Method for Sustainable and Just Cities" Geneva.(28-30 June)
*2021 International Degrowth Conference 'Caring Communities for Radical Change "Micro-level Peacebuilding Methods for Sustainable and Just Cities:Alternative Food Practices" Hague. (24-28 August)
*2021 Georg Arnhold Summer Conference "Environmental Crisis and Education" - Micro-level Peacebuilding Methods (23-27 August)
*2021 UrbanA Policy Action ICLEI (30 September- 01 October)
*2021 Peace Garden nominated and selected as a new eco-education model at NECE Campus "Networking European Citizenship Education" Platform which will be transferred to the NECE Conference 2021 in Brussels.https://www.nece.eu/campus/
*2021 Nominated as one of 3 finalist the category Social Innovation at the German Volunteer Awards 2021 https://volunteerawards.de/finalistinnen-und-jury/burcu-eke-schneider-setzt-sich-fuer-gerechtigkeit-ein/
*2022 Interreligious Dialogue for a Sustainable Future Workshop
*2022 Ecocity World Summit 2021 "Science to Practice : Micro-level Peacebuilding Methods" Rotterdam. (22-24 February 2022)
A micro-level Peacebuilding Method: Peace Garden
Contact Info : wuppertalforpeace@gmail.com

Revision as of 15:38, 3 March 2022

Democratic innovation through recognition focuses on inclusivity in decision-making and policymaking processes. Diverse participants are convened in different and original ways in order to include multiple perspectives in urban sustainability efforts.

This page is part of an ongoing, open-ended online collaborative database, which collects relevant approaches that can be used by city-makers to tackle unsustainability and injustice in cities. It is based mainly on knowledge generated in EU-funded projects and touches on fast changing fields. As such, this page makes no claims of authoritative completeness and welcomes your suggestions.

General introduction of approach

Democratic innovation through recognition builds inclusivity in decision- and policy-making in the promotion of equality and justice in urban sustainability. It does so mainly in two ways: procedurally and methodologically with implications for equality. By directly engaging citizens in city budgeting processes (“participatory budgeting”) and in generating scientific knowledge (“civic science”), for example, diverse perspectives and experiences are drawn in from the start. An important aspect of democratic innovation, therefore, is recognition. In this context, roles traditionally assigned to experts and/or technocrats are transferred to citizens and diverse community members. Participatory and action research methodologies are often embedded in the approaches to democratic innovation that also invite citizens themselves to design and conduct meaningful research with the aim of improving the lives of subordinated or historically excluded groups (e.g., SocIEtY, CITISPYCE), as well as confronting and transforming existing power dynamics (e.g., TRANSLATE DEMOCRACY). For example, the approaches taken in CITISPYCE projects draw important attention to garnering and integrating youth perspectives more in related political processes through forums of engagement that feed into the policymaking process. In this context, new perspectives emerge by tackling different issues ranging from restorative justice (see ALTERNATIVE) to air quality (see CITISENSE).

Shapes, sizes and applications

Democrative innovative approaches establish diverse participatory forums predominantly applied at a small scale in multiple settings. While some approaches (see TRANSLATE DEMOCRACY and ALTERNATIVE projects) are geared toward managing conflict and tensions inherent in democratic contexts, others emphasize procedural inclusivity with practical implications for establishing goals or agenda setting (e.g, URBANSELF), generating knowledge (e.g., CITISENSE), and producing various outcomes such as budgetary plans for a local municipality. The strength of these approaches, based on the examined projects, is found in the inclusive practical applications whereby disadvantaged, subordinated, or excluded people have the opportunity to participate in meaningful forums. While some of the forums produce concrete outputs, others are more about establishing cooperative civic relationships and networks. In many cases, however, it is not clear how the various approaches and their contributions endure once the project comes to an end. In some cases, experienced facilitators or conciliators are needed for transferability, particularly in the approaches that are directly focused on transforming conflict and power dynamics.

Relation to UrbanA themes: Urban, sustainability, and justice

Small community contexts or large convenings of a particular group (e.g., youth) generally provide the platforms for exploring and testing democratic innovation. Hence, in urban contexts, the approaches may be considered a good fit for neighborhood-size processes/projects or for larger city-wide efforts depending on the approach. These approaches to democratic innovation address justice in different ways, but particularly touch upon procedural justice with potential implications for distributive justice (i.e., who gets what and why). Democratic innovation promotes recognition by working with subordinated groups or challenging power dynamics through recognition in a way that either directly impacts sustainability, as in the case of Citizen Observations (COs) - also known as civic science - or creates potential for more democratic sustainability measures by generating experiences that build on civic capacities and expectations.

Narrative of change

It is well known that policymaking tends to be driven by powerful special interests. Democratic innovation creates openings in the dynamics of policy-making that is often driven by special interests and lobbies and, as a result, tends to exclude certain social groups. Through a bundle of approaches that fall under the democratic innovation umbrella, formerly excluded perspectives and contributions can emerge and directly impact decision- and policy-making. The expectation, and proven potential of these approaches, is that through shifting the power dynamics that sustain exclusionary mechanisms within democratic polities, more socially just outcomes may be achieved. This will also have implication for advancing urban sustainability goal.

Transformative potential

The different approaches covered here each have an inherent aspect that builds the potential for change. They do this in several ways: 1) making inclusivity central to governance approaches 2) opening procedural opportunities in participatory processes and 3) engagement in a common endeavor that is about life satisfaction and quality, and 4) dealing with conflict/tensions or power dynamics. In particular, the TRANSLATE DEMOCRACY project directly addresses power dynamics in which "misunderstandings and linguistic difference can become a starting point for a politics of translation that fosters a more inclusive and effective decision making, and strengthens social movements and local urban democracy in multilingual societies."[1] By opening up these opportunities and (political) spaces, transformation can occur as power dynamics and institutions are brought into question. As a result, not only the process but the very content of policy can be contested and rearticulated.

Illustrations of approaches

Democratic innovation approaches share a common methodology characterised by recognition in which particular segments of society take on new roles and are engaged in decision- or policy-making processes or forums that are traditionally predominated by others, such as experts (or adults). It is this aspect that makes them particularly innovative. Below are some examples of implemented approaches based on three different projects.

CITISENSE developed “citizens’ observatories” to engage citizens in environmental monitoring and information gathering through Earth Observation applications. Citizens engaged in science for the purposes of addressing sustainability issues is an innovative approach that circumvents that idea that science is strictly the realm of experts. It recognizes that laypersons can also contribute in the process of garnering important knowledge as part of the process of making decisions and policies. Citizens’ observatories” (COs) were employed in the project CITISENSE to empower citizens to contribute to and participate in environmental governance, to enable them to support and influence community and societal priorities and associated decision making. In this process, a community-based environmental monitoring and information system using innovative and novel Earth Observation applications was developed, tested and demonstrated. In CITISENSE, citizens gathered air quality data through sensors that provided real-time information on air quality in Barcelona, Belgrade, Edinburgh, Haifa, Ljubljana, Oslo, Ostrava, Vienna. The data was subsequently made available through widgets and mobile phone applications allowing people to comment and further share information. While there were some challenges in the project associated with, for example, data privacy, ethical and security issues, and scientific standards such as quality and reliability, the CO approach could increase awareness about environmental risks at minimal cost. Key aspects were identified as follows: “Based upon the review of different ongoing COs and of CO-related programmes in the environmental domain, we have identified key elements and qualities which are essential for a CO programme: (i) Be a unique virtual place to gather and share data from a variety of sources: novel sensor-technologies, open environmental data from public and national sources, and personal per- ceptions and textual/graphical contribution; and (ii) Extract and make use of relevant citizens-related data and provide multimodal services for citizens, communities and authorities.”[2] Also check Crowdsourcing.

Recognizing the important role of young disadvantaged people in policymaking brings in new perspectives that promote equality and quality of life from the perspective of a formally excluded segment of society. The project SocIEtY developed innovative ways for specifically enhancing the participation of disadvantaged youth in policymaking. This project established a forum for allowing young people to articulate their concerns and needs regarding quality of life issues that could be shared with stakeholders, politicians and non-governmental entities. The project specifically, “explores how young people aged 15-24 live in different European countries today; and examines what can be done to create social and institutional opportunities which will better enable them to live the lives they have reason to value”. Also check Culture for empowerment.

CITISPYCE, in a similar effort, also engaged disadvantaged and marginalized youth from major European cities in forums supported by socially innovative resources and technologies to assist policymakers across local, national and EU scales to address inequality.


  1. TRANSLATE DEMOCRACY https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/96441/reporting/en/
  2. Liu et al.: A conceptual approach to a citizens’ observatory – supporting community-based environmental governance. Environmental Health 2014 13:107, pp. 10.